What does Mindfulness mean to me?
Taking the time to slow down is a big part of the Chocolat Philippe experience. In this article, I will share how some simple breathing combined with good chocolate can help you find more balance in life.
Mindfulness is about taking the time to slow down, ground yourself, and become aware of what is happening around you, without being overwhelmed by the events. It is about being present in the moment.
In our everyday modern life, we are constantly triggered by a new situation or problem to solve. Our brain goes into analysis mode and our body prepares to react (muscles tense up, breathing accelerates, heart beats faster). This is called the fight or flight mode. Our brain needs moments of reprieve to avoid being in a constant state of stress or anxiety which would lead to digestive problems, insomnia, muscle pains, etc.
Luckily, it is easy to slow down with simple breathing exercises and trigger our body to release serotonin and dopamine, two hormones that calm us down. Oxytocin (released when we have meaningful social interactions) and endorphins (from active exercise) also help us to feel relaxed.
By taking the time to focus on slow breathing, we release serotonin to slow us down, and by continuing this for a couple of minutes, we release dopamine, which makes us feel happy. Doing this daily can bring our body more in balance and lower stress and anxiety.
Discovering Mindfulness and Meditation
I discovered these benefits when I joined a meditation group. I started to calm down, see things more clearly, and felt happy again after some life changing events.
I still meditate weekly with the group and complement it with almost daily meditations at home. Some days, I meditate in the afternoon. How I would describe the process is by saying that I put on a guided meditation, turn down the light in the room, lie down, close my eyes to listen, and focus on the meditation. What actually happens though, is that I often end up having a nap.
The regular practice of mindfulness and meditation has improved how I feel, sleep, and think, and has opened the path to my new life as a chocolate maker.
The Impact of Chocolate
Chocolate is the perfect addition to help your body relax, as it also helps the release of serotonin and dopamine in our body, resulting in that happy feeling. Combining mindfulness and chocolate is creating a space where I can be in the moment, open my senses, relax, be grateful, and feel joy.
This is what I want to share with Chocolat Philippe: the experience of slowing down, being in the present, and letting your worries float away while boosting your confidence and gratitude with an exquisite piece of chocolate. Making the world a better place, one chocolate bar at a time.